Missing Link Electronics Products

Missing Link Electronics (MLE), headquartered in San Jose, CA, USA, with offices in Neu-Ulm, Germany, is a member of the AMD Adaptive Computing Partner Program, as is Trenz. For 10 years, MLE has been providing FPGA expertise ranging from system architecture to hardware/software code design and high-speed Serial IO (10/25/100 GigE, TCP/UDP/IP, SATA, SAS, NVMe).

MLE combines FPGA expertise with knowledge in the areas of embedded security / trusted execution and functional security (SIL/ASIL). Customers can quickly and reliably obtain turnkey solutions from Trenz FPGA and SoC modules.

Missing Link Electronics (MLE), headquartered in San Jose, CA, USA, with offices in Neu-Ulm, Germany, is a member of the AMD Adaptive Computing Partner Program, as is Trenz. For 10 years, MLE has... read more »
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Missing Link Electronics Products

Missing Link Electronics (MLE), headquartered in San Jose, CA, USA, with offices in Neu-Ulm, Germany, is a member of the AMD Adaptive Computing Partner Program, as is Trenz. For 10 years, MLE has been providing FPGA expertise ranging from system architecture to hardware/software code design and high-speed Serial IO (10/25/100 GigE, TCP/UDP/IP, SATA, SAS, NVMe).

MLE combines FPGA expertise with knowledge in the areas of embedded security / trusted execution and functional security (SIL/ASIL). Customers can quickly and reliably obtain turnkey solutions from Trenz FPGA and SoC modules.